7 Tweets on How to Be a Freelance Success

Posted by Ryan Howard on Sep 25, 2020 9:58:44 AM

7 Tweets on How to Be a Freelance Success

A recent report by Freelancer.com revealed that freelance jobs increased over 25% in the 2nd quarter of 2020.  With the continuation of uncertainty in the pandemic, employers are looking for a more flexible and remote workforce, even replacing some full-time positions with independent workers.  Striking out on your own can be daunting but it can be done, and quite successfully.

For this post, we turned to the freelancers on Twitter to learn some hard-earned advice.

Here are 7 tweets on how be a freelance success.


Think of Freelancing as a Business

While many freelancing careers start as a side-gig, if you want to grow the business, it must be considered an actual business. That means doing all of the things that make a business legitimate - creating separate accounts, getting an EIN and more. 

See also: Start a Consulting Business and Get Paid Doing What you Love

Prepare for the Road Ahead

As this thread points out, there's a lot more to freelancing than just taking a leap of faith. Your leap will be more like baby steps if you know what you're in for. Some of her advice included:

  • Preparing financially
  • Building a schedule of consistency
  • Building relationships for networking
  • Adding in some self care

See also: Freelance Survival Guide to Feast or Famine

Know Your Worth and How to Value Your Work

It's so easy to feel weird about asking for money. When you work for an employer, you're at the whim of the salary range. As a freelancer, it's important to understand how to charge for your work and how to value the time and effort that you put into it. 

See also: How to Set Prices and Invoice Like a Boss

Set Boundaries for Yourself

As a freelancer, you ARE the employer. You are in charge of what hours you'll work, how much you'll be paid, what clients are the perfect fit for you and more.  It's important to understand how to set these boundaries so you're not a slave to your own business.

See also: How to Set Boundaries with Clients

Always Be Pitching

When you own your own business, you play every part within that business. Not only are you performing the work, you're also sales, marketing, accounting and all of the other back office operations. Set reminders for each of the activities you'll need to make your business successful.

See also: 10 Things to Include in Freelance and B2B Contracts

Get Paid or Stop the Work

It is absolutely necessary to follow up with clients who aren't paying. If they're non-responsive, it's time to bring in a third-party collections agency to work for you. They'll get you paid and will only take a percentage of what they collect for you. Otherwise, if the client isn't paying, it may be time to say goodbye.

See also: What to do When Your Freelance Client Won't Pay

Going freelance is hard enough without having to chase down payments too. At Enterprise Recovery, we don't charge a cent unless we can help collect what's owed to you. Let us know if we can help!

Outsource Accounts Receivable for More Cash

Topics: Best Practices, Business relationships, Entrepreneurs