How to Collect Past-Due Customer Payments

Enterprise Recovery is a debt collections agency that specializes in B2B account recovery. We do our best to recover what's owed to hard-working companies so they can retain working capital and continue their successful business ventures. We also educate on the best practices required to collect those debts before turning to a professional debt collections company. 

If your company wants to improve its first-party collections, here are expert tips to collect past-due customer payments.

3 Big Differences Between Business Debt Collections and Consumer Debt Collections

Depending on the type of customer or client, debt collections can look drastically different. Either can still be frustrating but one type of debt could actually be harmful to the overall business.  Consumer-facing business, for instance, is more transactional. Businesses working together, exchanging goods or services, is likely part of a long-term relationship. 

Here are three ways business debt collections and consumer debt collections are different.

Three Ways to Recover Unpaid Invoices

Unpaid invoices are the worst! While it's easy to react negatively to your late or non-paying clients, each invoice may require its own way of dealing with it. You can start proactively, including establishing a consistent invoicing process and following up as quickly as possible. However, if you're lacking the resources or your prevention strategy isn't working, it's time to try something new. 

Here are three ways to recover unpaid invoices.

Is It Time To Update Your Credit, A/R or Collections Policies?

As part of setting up your accounts receivable department for success, it's important to define responsibilities, create job roles and policies to ensure things run smoothly.  These roles and policies will include approving clients for credit, setting payment terms and approved methods of payment, invoicing procedures, and what to do if the client doesn't pay on time. 

As you're going over tasks for the new year, is it time to update your credit, accounts receivable, or collections policies? Here are three reasons why you should.

Improve Your Accounts Receivable and Business Collections in 2022

Every year, we take a look back at the previous year's blog entries to learn more about what you, our readers, want to see. In 2020, we observed that our readers were interested in building out their own successful A/R departments and first-party collections efforts.  We're here to help!

Use the top accounts receivable and business collections posts of 2021 to increase cash flow in 2022.

A Startup Guide to B2B Accounts Receivable and Collections

A new business takes time, dedication, and wearing lots of many hats. If you're growing your business and want to attract more capital, it's time to protect your cash flow.  This free downloadable guide will help you discover how to prioritize your accounts receivable so you don't have to waste time chasing down payments. 

A Startup Guide to B2B Accounts Receivable and Collections

Call Scripts for Successful A/R & Collections Specialists

When your business needs to make a call to get invoices paid, make sure your accounts receivable and collections specialists are using the right language and abilities. Successful calls are handled by skilled collections specialists with the qualities of persistence, confidence, great listening skills, and training. When emails aren't bringing those late payments current, these call script examples may help.

Call Scripts for Successful A/R and Collections Specialists.


When Is The Best Time to Send A Client Invoice?

If you’re concerned about receiving timely payments, you might be interested to know that your clients have preferences about receiving your invoices. When you can meet their preferences to increase your cash flow, isn't it worth it? 

When is the best time to send your client an invoice?

How to Collect Payments from Clients Affected by Natural Disasters

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts an above-normal hurricane season. Unfortunately, we've already witnessed the power of Hurricane Ida across the country with much of its impact still to be determined.  Just as we've discovered with the COVID-19 pandemic, asking for money during this time seems precarious. 

Is there a nice way to collect payments from clients affected by natural disasters?

How to Respond to Delinquent Customer Excuses for Late Payments

When your customer accounts become delinquent, they may have a number of reasons for not paying on time. Some of these excuses may be perfectly reasonable and others, not so much. If your in-house accounts receivable or collections department is fielding some of these excuses, here are some tips on how to handle them.

Here's how to respond to delinquent customer excuses for late payments.